An agent you'll love.
A price you'll love more.

Save an average $20,700 on your home purchase without sacrificing on the quality of your agent.

Homebuying has changed. Today, homebuyers can find the home of their dreams on their own. So why are buyer agents still charging 2.5% or 3%?My model is simple: you find your dream home, then I'll do the rest.I handle everything that you actually want an agent to do: prepare a winning offer, negotiate smartly on your behalf, protect your deposit during the escrow process, and ensure a successful close.

And my fee is a flat $5900.

Interested in saving an average of $20,700 on your home purchase? Schedule a call to see if we're a good fit.

Jon Schwartz
California Realtor

What People Are Saying

Jon was a great advocate during the negotiation process with the seller's agent.

Nicole Kennedy

Jon’s expertise and tactful negotiating skills were essential in landing us our dream home.

Jessica Freedman

Jon is an incredibly skilled and knowledgeable agent who you can trust to have your best interests at heart.

Zhenyu Zhong

As first-time home buyers, we feel so fortunate to have found such a knowledgeable realtor to work with.

Nadia Verde

Hiring Jon was the best decision I've made this past year.

Damien Fahey

Even when he's not 100% sure of an answer, he will research or make the necessary calls to get you the right answer.

Jarell McGrew

Jon went above and beyond, ensuring a smooth transition into our new home and continued assistance even after closing.

Young Cho

Jon was not only a pleasure to work with, but I learned a ton along the way.

Nick Sokoloff

A No-Brainer Comparison

Working with JonWorking with a Typical Agent
✅  $5,900 flat fee❌  3% commission ($26,600 avg)
✅  No up-front commitment❌  Requires a signed contract up-front
✅  View homes at your own pace❌  View homes with an eager agent over your shoulder
✅  Submit a strong, clean offer❌  Offer burdened by a 3% compensation request
✅  Have a strong negotiator in your corner❌  Higher purchase price = higher commissions, so...
✅  Choose your own vendors from a vetted list❌  Trust your agent's vendors blindly
✅  You're priority #1 from offer to close❌  You're a priorty until you offer is accepted

How Does It Work?

How do I provide amazing representation while charging just $5900?

You do the house-hunting

This is the fun part! I'll give you the know-how to hit open houses and showings like a pro. $59 flat fee if you need a chaperoned tour (though I have tricks to avoid that!).

I get involved at offer time

When you've found a home you love, just give me a call! I'll connect with the listing agent as we prepare a knock-out offer. I'll submit the offer, negotiate on your behalf, and handle any counter-offers.

I'm there through the end

Once we open escrow, I'm your guide and fiduciary through closing. I interface with all parties to make sure your deposit is protected, deadlines are met, fires are extinguised, and we reach a successful closing. I got you.

With help from a local

My incredibly low fee is available anywhere in California. When needed, I enlist a vetted, local agent to be my boots on the ground. I do 95% of the job at my desk – and I have the last 5% covered, too.

What is Blueprint?

I became a real estate agent because I didn't like working with real estate agents – but they always seemed to know a little more about the process than I did.So for my clients, I'm building Blueprint, a step-by-step guide through the homebuying process. It's like a to-do app for homebuyers.And each step includes short video lessons. You'll know exactly what's happening, what decisions you have to make, and what's coming next – every step of the way!Blueprint is an added bonus when you decide to work with me. So let's talk about working together!

Schedule a Call

Are you interested in saving $20,700 with your home purchase? Let's talk to see if we're a good fit. Pick a time that works for you, and I'll see you then!

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Blueprint is a communication platform operated by Jon Schwartz (CA DRE 02123925), Fathom Realty Group, Inc. (CA DRE 01901202). © 2024 Jon Schwartz